Touchet School District has a vision for promoting lifelong learning and educational innovation. As such, they are deeply committed to providing students with opportunities to engage in computer science from an early age. Through multiple stakeholders, they are investing in the future of their students.
Last year, Touchet received a Computer Science grant and attended the AESD SCRIPT training to develop a district-wide plan to integrate Computer Science across all K-12 classrooms. Through the process, they evaluated where they were, where they wanted to be as a district, and the processes that would need to occur to make that reality happen. It offered the ability to fully evaluate and plan for what they envisioned occurring in their district.
Elementary Applications
Strengthening their computer science program this year has allowed all students to engage in learning through creativity and real-world applications. Elementary students typically experience computer science instruction once a week in the computer lab through a combination of unplugged activities, Minecraft coding, and robotics. In an effort to expose students to coding directly in the classroom, the EdTech TOSA, Jacie Byerley, checked out robots from ESD 123 to share with teachers and students. In November and December, laughter and excitement filled the classroom as students sought out how to program BeeBot robots to complete different challenges. This opportunity allowed teachers to witness engaging practices to support student learning while working with grade-level skills.
Secondary Applications
Computer science has also entrenched itself into the district’s Winter Concert. Using the principles learned through coursework with Javascript, upper-level students designed a Minecraft world with Christmas trees that were used as the backdrop. Students provided feedback about the script to design and adjust the parameters of the trees. Other activities students engage with are creating web pages, processing data, game creation and animation, and programming. Projects like these show students the practical application of computer science.
In partnership with TEALS, the high school’s AP CS Principles course has grown much stronger. During the course, students explore projects using JavaScript or Python coding languages. Students also have the option to attend the STEAM club which encourages robotics through coding activities, as well as cybersecurity and networking concepts. Touchet is proud of the partnerships with organizations like the TEALS and SCRIPT programs that foster student growth and development.
From the basic computational skills in kindergarten to the coding languages in high school, students are guided through multiple pathways of computer science in the Touchet School District. Opportunities are always expanding as district leadership continues evolving with the needs of their students. We look forward to what is in store next!