Teachers showing their seed planters they designed and built. Through a ClimeTime grant, ESD 105 Regional Science Coordinator Luke Matlack and ESD 105 Regional Educational Technology and Computer Science Coordinator Mike Batali designed and provided a professional...
ESD 105
Video: Exploring Computer Science at ESD 105
As educators, it can be very challenging to find time in our already packed daily schedules to plan for a stand alone Computer Science lesson. What we can do is shift our thinking to integrate Computer Science, including Computational Thinking, into our existing...
Integration of Computer Science into the Science Classroom
Integrating Computer Science into the Science classroom and making it fun! Using Makey Makey devices, Makey Makey apps, and Scratch coding, participants (3rd through 6th grade teachers) were led through lessons of conductivity and switches, which culminated to...
WINforCS Winter Session – Engage!
AESD computer science leads hosted another great WINforCS session on Thursday, February 9. Educators from across the state gathered to meet our new OSPI CS program supervisor, build community, and choose their own adventure in breakout sessions. Breakout sessions,...
SCRIPT Workshop sets the foundation for districts in 2022-23
In November, over five afternoons, WA AESD Computer Science Leads welcomed an additional 4 school district teams to participate in a SCRIPT Workshop. District teams were composed of one district-level administrator, one school-level administrator, one CS teacher, and...